QualityBird : la boutique de vos oiseaux

Jack, mon amazone de cuba

Démarré par roberto, 11 Juin 2005 à 02:14:14

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Où ça un copyright ? :lol:


Amazone de Cuba:amazona leucocephala leucocephala

Citation1. Amazona l. leucocephala (Linne 1758)

Cuban Amazon

German: Kuba-Amazone

Description: general plumage green, each feather edged with black; forehead, forecrown and eye area white; lores, cheeks, throat and sometimes few feathers to breast rose-red; ear-coverts dull black; abdomen dull red; primary-coverts, primaries and edge of wing blue; secondaries dull blue; under tail-coverts yellowish-green; tail upperside green with greenish-yellow tips; base to outer tail-feathers red; periophthalmic ring whitish; bill horn-coloured; iris reddish-brown; feet brownish.

Immatures without dark edging to feathers; less rose-red; abdomen with little or no red.

Length: 32 cm (12.5 ins), winglength 183 - 204 mm (7.25 - 8 ins).

Distribution: eastern and central Cuba.

Amazone à  front blanc: Amazona albifrons albifrons ou nana

Citation1. Amazona a. albifrons (Sparrman 1788)

White-fronted Amazon

German: Weiss-Stirnamazone

Description: general plumage green; forehead and forecrown white, in some birds cream; eye area, lores, alula and primary-coverts red; crown dull blue with blackish edging to feathers; primaries and outer webs of secondaries blue; upper and under tail-coverts yellowish green; tail upperside green with greenish-yellow tips base to outer tail-feathers red; periophthalmic ring grey; bill yellowish-horn colour; iris pale yellow to orange; feet grey.

Female as male, but alula and primary-coverts usually green; some females however with several or all primary-coverts red, although alula always green.

Immatures without red to wings; some yellowish feathers to forehead; iris dark.

Length: 26 cm (10.25 ins), winglength 170 -190 mm (6.7 -7.5 ins).

Distribution: central-western Mexico in state of Nayarit south to Chiapas; southwest Guatemala.

Citation3. Amazona a. nana (W. de W. Miller 1905)

Lesser White-fronted Amazon

German: Kleine Weiss-Stirnamazone

Description: as albifrons, but smaller.

Length: 24 cm (9.5 ins), winglength 155 - 170 mm (6 - 6.5 ins).

Distribution: southern Mexico in extreme southeast Veracruz and northeast Chiapas south to northwest Costa Rica.

Habitat: various; from dry areas with trees, cactus and thornbush savannah to rain forest from sea level to 1,850 m (6,200 ft); visits fruit plantations and cultivated areas.

Status: common to very common throughout.

Habits: in pairs, groups or small flocks of up to 20 birds outside breeding season; not shy; very approachable; quiet and inconspicuous when feeding or resting in trees; noisy during flight; groups gather towards evening on way to roosting trees in flocks of up to several hundred birds; often several thousand birds on roosting trees; at daybreak they leave in groups of 10 to 15 birds; occasionally associates with Yellow-lored Amazon (Amazona xantholora), flight veering with heavy wingbeats; call shrill, raucous or barking.

Natural diet: fruits (especially figs), seeds, berries, nuts, leaf buds and flowers; forages regularly in grain fields causing damage to crops.

Breeding behaviour: breeding season from November; no further information available; egg measures 30.3 x 22.7 mm (1.19 x 0.89 ins).

Aviculture: medium-noisy to noisy parrot; lively; older newly imported birds always remain reserved; young birds however soon confiding; very hard chewer; regular supply of fresh wood necessary; susceptible to intestinal infections during acclimatisation period; hardy and robust when acclimatised; often aggressive towards other species.

Accommodation: outside flight 3 x 1 x 2 m (9 x 3 x 6 ft) with adjoining shelter 1.5 x 1 x 2 m (5 x 3 x 6 ft); metal construction recommended; minimum temperature 18°cC (65°cF) during acclimatisation; later not less than 5°cC (41°cF).

Diet: seed mix of sunflower, safflower, wheat, oats, canary grass seed and various millets; also sprouted in spring and summer; variety of fruit and vegetables, especially fig, banana, peach and apple; half-ripe maize; rose-hips; greenfood (chickweed, dandelion etc.); regular mineral supplements; bread and biscuit for rearing.

Breeding in aviculture: regularly achieved; isolate pair for breeding; usually begins in May; occasionally earlier indoors; especially noisy just before and during breeding; clutch 3 to 4 eggs; incubation 26 days; fledging period 7 weeks; nestbox 25 x 25 x 50 cm (10 x 10 x 20 ins) with entrance hole 6 cm (2 ins) wide; often aggressive towards keeper during breeding


il est vrai que les cuba sont bien belles...

Dis JSF : sais tu si on importe des albifrons saltuensis en europe ? y a t il qq élevages ? pourquoi  on n'en voit jamais ? :cry:

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