QualityBird : la boutique de vos oiseaux

- Perroquets eteints: Ara gossei

Démarré par jsf, 20 Janvier 2004 à 21:51:33

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Ara gossei
Ara rouge de Jamaïque

Uniquement connu de Gosse en 1847, sur un specimen abattu par Mr Odell, en 1765, dans les montagnes de Hanover Parish, autour de 10 miles de Lucea (Jamaïque).
Il était probablement éteint au 18eme. On a pensé qu'en fait, c'était un Ara tricolor.

CitationJamaican Red Macaw Ara gossei is known only from the work of Gosse in 1847 based on "specimen shot about 1765, by Mr Odell" in the mountains of Hanover Parish, about 10 miles east of Lucea, Jamaica. It was presumably hunted to extinction around the end of the 18th century. Taxonomy A number of authors have suggested that this taxon was conspecific with Hispanioloan Macaw A. tricolor, and it has even been suggested to have been based on a 'tapiré' artifactual specimen.  


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